5 types of AR

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Augmented Reality (AR) is an exciting technology that blends virtual information with the real world. In recent years, the number of AR applications has increased, and the technology has been used in various fields. Here are five different types of AR:

Marker AR

This type of AR uses markers, such as QR codes, to trigger virtual content on a device. The markers are recognized by the camera of the device, and the AR software overlays the virtual content onto the real world. Marker-based AR is commonly used in advertising, education, and gaming.

Markerless AR

Unlike marker-based AR, this type of AR does not require any markers. It uses the camera of a device to recognize objects or patterns in the real world to trigger virtual content. Markerless AR is commonly used in navigation, industrial design, and gaming.

Projection AR

This type of AR projects virtual content onto a physical surface, such as a wall or table. The virtual content is aligned with the physical surface to create an interactive experience. Projection-based AR is commonly used in advertising, entertainment, and art installations.

Superimposed AR

This type of AR overlays virtual content onto a real-world object. The virtual content is aligned with the object’s shape and position, creating a more realistic experience. Superimposition-based AR is commonly used in education, product visualization, and healthcare.

Outlining AR

This type of AR outlines the real-world objects with virtual content. The virtual content is aligned with the edges of the object, creating an augmented version of the real world. Outlining-based AR is commonly used in architecture, interior design, and urban planning.

In conclusion, AR has many types, each with its unique applications and advantages. With the advancements in AR technology, we can expect to see more creative and innovative uses of AR in the future.

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